Moms update

Wanted to update because we need all of our friends,family, prayer warriors, to send prayers and positive thoughts for Matt. Today Matt has yet another obstacle to overcome. The MRI showed that Matt has a blood clot on his brain on his left side. The Neurosurgeons don't want to do surgery again - because Matt has just had 3 surgeries in the last 2 weeks. An option would be to give Matt blood thinners but that could cause hemorage(sp) because he just had surgery. Or the clot could heal it self. (that is what we are praying and hoping for)! They are going to watch Matt and they have him still on an ECG for internal seizures. Clinically the surgeon said Matt is progressing. He saw Matt smile when I read him what Uncle Jimmy wrote on his guest book. He also said he has a patient with a brain tumor - NOT on the brain stem like Matts and the patient took 4 days to wake up.
Matt's spinal fluid pressure was at 13 today.
Good News! Matt will also re-start physical and occupational therapy this afternoon.

We have the movie Step Brothers on for Matt right now and then we will watch Talladega nights with him.

peace - light & love - The Hernan's

A little snow, Please!