When bluegill are overpopulated, culling helps. But, be sure bluegills are overcrowded. Here's a sure way to tell.
No bluegill except full grown adults exist.
No baby bluegill, no baby bass, adult bass are underweight. Bluegill outnumber bass 10-20 to one, and growth of all fish seems to have stopped. Also, adult bluegill are underweight.
If you have all those symptoms, cull bass and bluegill. Culling stimulates spawns, spawns stimulate growth.
And, never take the biggest bluegill. Take the smallest adults.
If you catch 20 bluegills, 10 larger than 9 inches, 10 smaller than 9", take the smaller 10. Size is genetic, and larger bluegill tend to be better spawners, and will protect their territory. So, your gene pool stands a better chance by leaving the largest fish.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...