This kind of information, even when it is contradictory, is the reason I really like this web-site. You know, I don't have a clue about all the interactions between forage/predator/environment..., but I am learning. Citing refereed scientific articles and relating personal antedodal evidence are both important to me in deciding how to proceed with stocking. How we are going to manage our ponds will have more to do with the outcome than anything else, so it makes it really hard for you experts to give us advise in absolute terms. But, I now know that TFS and GSH MAY affect the size of BG due to overpopulation. That potential overpopulation of BG can lead to stunting from a lack of food source( that supplemental feeding MAY improve). The LMB would rather eat "non-spiny" fish, like TFS & GSH{this makes sense because LMB eat all the FHM first} and so the BG overpopulate, hence stunting. This information gives me pause as to how to proceed. So, even if it's confussing, I'd rather know now ALL the possible ramifications than 3 years from now say "I wished I'd known".,..du