Well we're back in Southern California. Overall it was a successful but exhausting trip. As usual the highlight of the trip was a visit with Dave and Jean (aka DIED and DWIED). To say that they are great friends is an understatement. Every now and again in life you meet someone that you know at the first meeting you will be good friends. But if you're married and your new found friend is married, it's rare IMHO to have the spouses hit it off as well. Fortunately with our fearsome foursome the spouses have become great friends as well. We can discuss politics, world events, as well as lighthearted topics for hours. When we get together we spend much of our time laughing and joking. I am extremely grateful for my good friends Dave and Jean, to say they are wonderful people is an understatement. Anyhoo enough of the mushy stuff....

Saturday morning and early afternoon was more work in the heat, it was 104-105 when we left for Dave's. We had a great visit with Dave and Jean, relaxing in their air conditioned home, drinking some beer and enjoying great conversation. In the evening we tried out a new Chinese food restaurant that was great, more laughs and good times. Next trip DIED and I are going to transfer some of his fish to my pond as his pond is suffering in this year's intense heat. (We'll schedule a date for that Dave and get 'er done). I learned several new things about my good friend DIED, one of which gave me an idea for a new, non pond related thread, that I'll post today or tomorrow.

On Sunday unfortunately Ricki was sick and she tried to work with me in the morning but she was just too wiped out to work. Being sick in a tin box trailer in 105 degree weather is not fun (I can attest to that from last year). Ricki is such a trooper, I don't know what I did to deserve her, my Karma reserve must have been completely full when I met her. She felt better in the afternoon and we mostly took it easy. We floated around the pond and low and behold we saw schools of BG. Several 6 or 7 inchers along with 30 or so 3 to 5 inchers. They were staying deep in the pond. I'm sad to report that we never fished the pond again during our trip, at the end of the day we were just too exhausted.

A certain sadness creeps over me when we close the gate to our place and begin the 500 mile drive south. I feel like I leave a part of me there each and every time. Lord willing someday we'll be able to build our home there and live there full time.

I hope this thread hasn't been to trivial and boring, I was happy to be able to report some days from the pond property. I was not able to access the internet at all on Sunday, a fact that I'm not happy about at all. I envy all of you that live at your pond property. Even with all of the trials and tribulations that we endure to own a pond the payoff can be enormous.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)