Hey ga pond rookie; Doug of Pond Doctors says the stuff is safe, if you want, he'll eat a teaspoon of it for you. I don't know how long it'll stay slick, but my impression is it would slime up for years. I used a 2 gal sprayer to test 1/2oz of DB100. It took 4 gal of diesel for the sprayer to quit blowing snot. Rototilling may help some, yet clay can be slick by itself. A very mynute surface amount of DB-200 and you're back to slip'n'slide time.

You can see the DB and bentonite pellets along the shoreline. Water level approaching 5'.

My new pond well only yields 6gpm so the pond's rise is slowing and leveling off as the water approaches 6'. Still, that's a personal PB high for the 2 year old hole. The water has a rusty tint to it, clarity is 24". The Gams and bullfrogs are happy and looking healthy.
(Beyond the pond sits a tall white 6gal of DB-100 for a later 2nd teatment)

(There's a small bullfrog next to a few blades of grass sticking out of the water just right of center.)
I placed a 3oz can of cat food in an inch of water, the little Gams became pygmy pirahonas. Left a shiny can an hour later.

(6/8 update) belkings456; I'm cautiously optimistic. The pond would drop over 2" daily around 1' of depth. I could only fill to 4'9" last summer. This summer it's up to 5'8"; minimal rain both summers. I'm not pumping for a few days to check the drop. The pond is pretty sandy and leaky. I decided not to pack after spreading the DB/bentonite as it was mostly rock under 8" of sand and steep banks. It'll be miraculous if DB is a sucess for me. If it doesn't seal, I wouldn't completely write it off. Doug stated it works for moderate, less than daily 2", leaky ponds. Patience, this'll take weeks (August 1st) for preliminary impression, at least months (October 7th)to give a good trial.

I've gotta concur about
..ha ha Not to mention what happens when it's a sealing agent and I'd hate to have sealed bowels!!
Doesn't seem wise to down a teaspoon of sealant you just recommended to only mix a 1000 to 1

Last edited by SoSauty; 07/26/09 03:12 PM. Reason: clarity

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