Hi all,

I'm also new to the board and I've got a similar problem. I'm also a rank amateur, so apologies in advance.

I've recently moved to a new place with a water feature in the yard, basically a 14' x 7' rectangular pool, only 9 inches deep, with a waterfall running on a modest looking pump. I'm planning to put a lotus and a few other plants as well as some fish, maybe guppies or goldfish. In anticipation of that, I removed the chlorine tablet a few days ago and an ugly film has developed. (See pictures below.)

I'm wondering what I can do to control it, and what I might need to do in terms of filtration and aeration to accomodate the fish and the lotus. Most of the skimmers I've researched won't work with the shallow depth of the pond. Also, I can't build anything into the walls of the pool as I'm renting this place.

Any thoughts or suggestions you guys might have would be much appreciated!

Here are some photos: