Randy what you have is frustrating I know. It is not an easy fix nor explanation. The fact you have not had a rain in three weeks actually helps explain it. This is what we get when folks call with stagnant look. You have “ things” decomposing and gases forming, detritus floating, etc. The sticks could be adding to the decomp on the surface. Take some dish soap add as quirt to water and toss in the pond it will disappear for a while right it is surface tension. Long-term one of the best things is a fountain to create ripples to break surface tension and eliminate of push to the side. A good rain will have it gone for awhile. Nothing chemically I know of to fix the problem. I doubt lime will do any good. I wish it was an easier fix. I hope others come up with a good idea b/c with our lack of rain getting lots of call with similar situation on their ponds.

Greg Grimes