Last April '08 the drain pipe of my 6 acre pond collapsed and I lost 60% of my water. We did immediate repairs and by mid May the pond was back up to full pool. I noticed however that many BG and LMB had red sores last year. I attributed the condition to stress from overcrowding and lack of oxygen and consequently opportunistic infection.

However, this year with a healthy water level, I've again noticed that about 50% of the bluegill caught have red sores of varying severity. Another smaller percentage have some kind of raised, bumpy fungus-like stuff on their bodies. This fungus-like stuff has been around for several years however.

Here I'll attempt to post photos of the red sores on two BG, and the "bumpy fungus" of another BG. Can anyone venture a guess on the nature of these diseases? From reading other posts and links here, I suspect that the red sores are just that, "red sore disease" (aeromonas hydrophila). But I've never found anything on the "bumpy fungus."

Thanks to anyone who cares to jump in.