Hi everyone! this is Coach's wife! =)

I've just been reading all the posts and we appreciate all the wisdom you have offered. Thank you!

I've reached out to one of my attorneys (I run a business and have routine interaction and good relationships with several law firms.) and will post some more info when we have a chance to get his views next week for all to contemplate. One thought I had as a result of all the good advice is that it might be a good first step to just write down all the facts as we understand them so that the attorney can give us the best possible perspective. Coach and I will work on that this weekend.

We did not hear back from our neighbor today. We would really like to find a way (without going to court, but while knowing all the options!) to have a amicable relationship with her. Keep the thoughts coming. It is great to have people to talk about this with!

Coach's Wife

Retired Coach

Just another day in paradise!