Originally Posted By: esshup

Mink like fresh food, they aren't scavengers unless it's a really lean time of the year. As long as they aren't black and white striped kitties you'll do just fine! Mink are pretty light, I don't know if they'll trip the trap or not. do you have any 110's? If so, and the opening in the fence will allow it, use it. Spread the trigger pretty wide apart and use a thin piece of wire and tie it horizontally between the the two trigger wires. That'll stop them from squeezing between the trigger wires.

The trout in the live trap got pretty ripe (the dog really liked the smell) and I found a possum in the trap Sunday morning. Nothing left of the disgusting trout and he crawled away after I released him.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.