GPR funny I'm the one saying maybe not fertilize, (ML you out there) but, here are my thoughts, try it out, you have a siphon that helps by leaps and bounds and you limed in proper amounts. So let me know if you want to try out some of our water soluble fertilizer come spring time. I will wait on your update on pond fillling to see what sotkcing is in order.

Ewest I understand in theory what you're saying. However for most clients that will not fly. What will happen if we try to get a bloom ealry then let it ride etc is in most cases cause a massive filamentsou algae bloom. Now realize we are talking about shallow metro ATL ponds, not properly consturcted fishing ponds.

GPR still want to know your plans in regards to state fish your talking about getting them next fall, right? I had a typo earlier you can not get these fish if bass go in this summer.

GPR realize one other point you said "i would think even a 3lb fish with a belly full of 1 inch fish would still be full and growing-"

this is not really true, a 3 lb bass has to expand too much energy catching enough of the 1 inch guys. Ex. you said "i'm pretty big myself and several plates of small all you can eat catfish does the job on me. ha. " I bet it would not if you had to work reallly hard to catch those small catfish instead of sitting back and waiting on that big ole fat 18 lb cat to bite back on your pole, get my point? Its all about energy dynamics but that is another topic.

Theo had good point on gambusia feeding large BG and baby bass.

Greg Grimes