greg---i think you and i read ewest comments differently---i took it to mean he both fertilized and fed some but limited both--my pond slopes are good to prevent weed growth-- i have contacted dnr to see when i could get some fish---really had planned on getting some from you and them both if it worked out--like you suggest i plan on stocking soon after 2/3 to 3/4 full--maybe sooner on the fatheads (what are your thoughts on the gambusia theo mentioned?) i'll go to that thread now and read it--greg i'm pretty patient on things so when i order from you i can wait until you some more deliveries in the area--i may feed some once i move down there but it would be an added burden i don't need till then--much on my plate right now. i was thinking of getting some bg/res,fh from you when pond is ready--then the amt dnr would supply when available as i thought you said the pond should support more than 500/acre which is their supply. i don't mind waiting till next spring for bass if need be or water down-- but may change my mind depending on what i learn--water conditions--we had pretty severe dry conditions this summer and fall in that area--- do you ever have gambusia or coppernose?--also is coppernose more aggressive than bg or regular bg the best way to go--i've read too many bad things on hbg to fool with them. am curious--if you fertilized what would you use--how often-- cost? i realize there are variables just best guess. thanks