i have read other posts till my eyes are crossed---few posts on this topic in southeast or ga. ponds---i would like some suggestions for stocking forage and sport fish for my new pond in middle georgia---theo i sent you a personal email--to others (mr. lusk and greg grimes esp) please give your opinions on the following -- app 1.4 to 1.6 acre pond estimate--will measure soon--pond average depth should be 7 to 8 feet--most of it in the 10 to 12 foot range (will that average depth help in producing a few more fish than say a 5ft average depth pond? i have read it will not--we created some holes and mounds and i am putting in 6 porcupines-3 in place already as water was filling the deep end (not much rain from june thru mid-december but we are getting some now guess after a long dry spell the ground takes up the first few rains pretty much--the last rain seemed to add more water than the firs two) --i want to stock this pond to be used more as enjoyment fishing (not for lunker fish)--i would like to be able to catch fish readily and all stocked species in decent size--i have seen suggested 500 BG/RES per acre + 50 CC/acre and later 50 LMB/acre-- i was wondering about increasing the catfish to 75/acre and reducing the bass to 25/acre to maybe increase bream population without it getting out of control--i have found over the years that large bream/midsize cats and bass are lots of fun to catch and are good eating size as well. i enjoy catching these fish on light tackle--with pond beginning to fill now at what stage would you add what forage species in what amount and what fish species to produce such a pond---i limed the pond bottom (right at 8 tons spread) but don't think i want to fertilize it as i don't want to start and then stop. the pond will not be heavily fished anyway. i don't care what i catch as long as i'm catching lots of fish. thanks for your info.