It's absolutely not a problem. It's outstanding! They average more than 3 pounds each. That means, if you had 60% survival of your original stocking (it was probably higher than that) and 40% survival of your second stocking (it was probably higher than that), you have approximately 150 fish from the first batch and 40 from the second. If that's true, you have at least 500 pounds of catfish in your 1.25 acre pond. Since they are reproducing (which isn't normal), you NEED to harvest fish or Mother Nature will do it for you. By harvesting fish you are following one of the key tenets of fisheries management. I would venture to say you can take out that many more for your fish fry and do the population some good.
You know how much you are feeding...if you are feeding more than 25-40 pounds of fish food weekly, harvesting another 100 pounds would help the pond.
At some point, depending how much you feed, what kind of feed you use, how often your pond flushes with fresh water, the biomass of fish exceeds "carry capacity" and the water quality begins to deteriorate. Essentially, the fish reach a density where the water can't possibly process the amount of waste the catfish population produces. Over time, the fish are basically swimming in their own waste and your pond becomes a septic tank. When that happens, usually during hot, dry, cloudy weather, you will experience a fish kill.
So, the Pond Boss hats are off to you for harvesting fish. I wish more people would do it.
They taste better off a trotline than when they do the backstroke.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...