Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
Thank goodness for CJ and his online resources, and thank goodness for slow crime nights! ;\)

HAHA, no work tonight... That's tomorrow night and Thursday night!

TJ, ff you're looking for different species of forage to stock that have a good chance of maintaining a population under predation, take a look at banded killifish.

They are not carried by many hatcheries but a few do. Check out Keystone Aquaculture and Zetts Tri State Fish Farm if interested. I have heard good things about both operations.

Both have them and I believe they will ship them to NE. Banded killies are very low DO tolerant so they should hold up well during the shipping. They have maintained populations under heavy predation in ponds I have worked with. They can bury themselves in soft substrate and will leap like crazy to keep from being eaten.

Oh yeah, almost forgot... Zetts calls them bull minnows, same fish just different common name.

Last edited by CJBS2003; 04/08/09 12:40 AM. Reason: added more info