I read every single word of your above thoughts and pretty much think you nailed every thing right on the head! Your ability to put thoughts into words and then even explain details for clarification was awesome! If my goal was to grow the biggest fish possible, than I would try not to catch that fish at all with any bait. We also try not to even touch the fish that we release.

Most of the people I take fishing are first timers, old timers, or beginners. I rarely waste my time taking someone fishing who already knows how to. To the people I take fishing, one of the funnest things they will ever do is to reel in a big fish. They dont know its like shooting fish in a barrel, because I dont let them know that!

That being said, I manipulate every fishing trip I ever take out without the client ever knowing! I can easily determine the appropriate amount of fishing action for the person I am taking fishing and pretty much stage the whole thing. Baits, Target Species, and Boat Positioning I change up constantly to keep the client catching just enough fish to stay entertained.

I observe fish and how they react to baits daily! On a whole, to catch the same fish over and over, I have to change up presentations and tactics constantly. Also we selectively harvest fish on every fishing trip. Clients take home enough fish to eat a meal or two or have a fish fry, but I always discourage the fish going into the freezer!

George, I think your fish could ultimately grow bigger if you didnt fish for them period. I think though that your having an awful lot of fun managing your pond for just stinkin huge CNBG with lots of fun pictures and memories as opposed to managing it for scary huge CNBG with no pics, memories, etc along the way.

Kind of like you can spend your whole life working and accumulating and then its over. For me, I can sacrifice a little potential in order to enjoy the whole process.

But then that leads me back to your situation Aaron. I bet you ARE enjoying the whole process to the absolute fullest!