No Bergmeister:
Don't know how to put photos on the computer. Maybe this winter Margaret can come over and we can figure it out. Have lots of photos of white scum, green bubbles, neon water with what we call "stretch marks." Also have photos of beautiful clear blue water-we will get back to it, because we won't give up, and because it is all solvable, it just takes tenacity, perseverance,teamwork, money and knowledge, and hiring the right people. We have made amazing progress fighting our our H.O. Association (living in Stepfordville full of original owners who don't care). I think it is like a pyramid scheme; if you bought early you paid little for beautiful water, had extremely low dues, and will do well whenever you leave. For those like me, well it has become pretty much a full time job. So if you see Margaret and I on the news chained to the South Blvd. drain to get it diverted, don't be surprised.

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.