First this is still a work in progress. Second the below can be read to contradict the conclusions in BM's post above as it relates to his pond which is in the intergrade zone. The premise is stocking F-1s (they are intergrades) into waters in the intergrade zone (an area naturally populated by LMB with both Fla and Northern genes) will not lead to a greater chance of outbreeding depression nor inbreeding (regression) than would stocking pure northerns or Flas. There are 2 genetic concepts involved. Outbreeding depression (crossing separate species which can lead to hybrid vigor followed by reduction in fitness in Fx generations) and inbreeding (genetic regression from continued reproduction from too small a related population leading to reduced fitness). One is from too diverse a gene set from 2 species when crossed over time and the other from too small of a gene set from related individuals. Any population of LMB , whether Fla ,Nort or intergrades in limited numbers ( fish from a small set of brood fish) in a closed environment will be subject to less fitness over time from inbreeding. That is not the reason nor question here involved as type of LMB has no bearing on that. A bunch of Northern LMB in that circumstance is just as likely as F-1s to exhibit the inbreeding problem. The fix on this problem is easy - remove some LMB and replace them with fish from another set of brood fish (add new genes) from a similar location. The second problem , outbreeding depression, is what was suggested in BM's post. In the article below , which is by some of the same cited writers, genetic testing over the entire US LMB population (90 locations) showed higher gene diversity in intergrades than in Fla or Norts. This same mix of intergrade genes is the naturally occurring gene mix in the intergrade locations. See map below. As such it is the set of genes best adapted for that location (intergrade zone). I suggest that stocking intergrade genetics into the intergrade zone is less likely to result in outbreeding depression than would stocking pure Flas or pure Norths because they are the best adapted genes for that location. This is consistent with these writers premise that you should not stock genes from one population into a separate different population because the mixing with non-native genes will be more apt to result in outbreeding depression. As per the article cited in BM's post " This kind of population mixing (termed stock transfer) potentially affects the fitness of the recipient population deleteriously as a result of outbreeding depression. Outbreeding depression is the reduction in fitness in the progeny of two parents that were too distantly related to each other. " In LMB terms this would mean parents from for example from different geographic regions not parents (whether Fla or northern) from the same location (the intergrad zone). More later.

A Biochemical Genetic Evaluation of the Northern and

Florida Subspecies of Largemouth Bass 1




We also have calculated for each population

the mean number of alldes present per locus,

the percentage of loci which were polymorphic,

and the mean observed and expected heterozygosity

(Table 1). The lowest levels of allelic

polymorphism were observed in the populations

of the pure northern subspecies (1.09 allele

per locus; 8.3% polymorphic loci; observed

mean heterozygosity of 0.024). Pure Florida

largemouth bass populations were considerably

more polymorphic (1.14 allde per locus; 11.0%

polymorphic loci; mean heterozygosity of 0.041),

but the intergrade populations were, as expected,

the most polymorphic (1.22 allde per

locus, 15.5% polymorphic loci; heterozygosity

of 0.051). These represent statistically significant

differences between groups. The observed

heterozygosity levels for the two pure subspecies

were somewhat lower than that reported

for teleosts in general: 0.051 by Nevo (1978)

and 0.048 by Winans (1980). The intergrade

populations, however, demonstrated a mean

heterozygosity consistent with these values

(0.051). It remains to be determined if the

higher heterozygosity in the intergrade zone,

relative to the pure subspecies, is a consequence

of heterosis. However, that maximal heterogeneity

is located in intergrade populations may

help to explain, in part, the existence of a "bigbass

belt" in northern Florida and southern Alabama

and Georgia, as well as the largemouth

bass of "trophy" size being taken from certain

lakes in Texas and California.

In any case, the intergrade zone today must

be considered to consist of northern Florida, as

well as at least substantial portions of the states

of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina,

North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland.

The extent of influence of some of the genes

characteristic of the Florida subspecies in certain

more peripheral states within the intergrade

zone, particularly those of Mississippi,

Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina is uncertain.

Some bodies of water in these states still

may contain populations of pure northern

largemouth bass. The presence of Florida alldes

in populations in Texas, California, Arkansas,

Illinois, and perhaps Louisiana, probably

are the result of deliberate introductions.

Further investigation to determine the status of

numerous populations throughout several states

is required to delineate the true extent of the

intergrade zone. Once genetic differences between

populations are better understood, and

once we understand the roles that short-term

and long-term fitness play in determining the

range and distribution of phenotypes, we will

be in a better position to design effective management


In addition, populations within each group

(northern subspecies, Florida subspecies, and

intergrades) were compared and the groups as

a whole were all compared based on Nei's (1978)

identity coefficient, I (Table 9). Intragroup

variation was least among populations of pure

Florida subspecies (I = 0.997), intermediate

among populations of the nortfiern subspecies

(I = 0.992) and greatest among the intergrade

populations (I = 0.972). The intergrade populations

were approximately as closely related

to populations of the pure Florida subspecies

(I = 0.960) as to populations of the pure northern

subspecies (I = 0.962). Finally, as expected,

the two most distantly related groups were the

two pure subspecies (I = 0.911).

In an environment with high thermal variability,

the long-term success of stocked largemouth

bass might be greatest for cohorts with

the highest levels of genetic variability. However,

the two subspecies have evolved quite different

tfiermal requirements (Hart 1952; Latta

1977; Cichra et al. 1981), and it would be unrealistic

to expect those fish in the intergrade

zone, those fish with the higfiest genetic variability,

to be well suited for either an extreme

northerly or southerly environment. Introduction

of Florida alleles into northern populations

of largemouth bass could lower tfie overall fitness

of these populations under the normally

lower temperatures encountered by the northern

subspecies. A similar but reverse situation

may result from the introduction of northern

alleles into populations of Florida largemouth


Last edited by ewest; 12/11/08 09:18 AM.