Well as some of you know I lost my dog on the 29th of October after 11 years of being together all the time and it was rough. But although I doubt I'll ever forget her it's time to move on and rescue a dog that needs a good home. And it's kind of lonely in the house during the day since I work at home. I sure appreciate all the kind words and understanding I got on this website. This website truly has outstanding people on it!

To that end I'm headed for the county humane shelter tomorrow afternoon after a day in the shop. I'm actually excited to pick out my next buddy! There are eighteen dogs at the shelter and it will be tough. I wish I could take all of them home!

Hey if anyone wants to help me pick one out here are the pics and their descriptions!


I was trying to look at their ages, training, size etc. to make a decision online, but I know that will go out of the window when I get there.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.