Weather for Greenville, TX
Average temperature by season:
Daily Mean Temperature, Annual Avg - 65.4 F
Spring: 66 Summer: 84
Winter: 47 Fall: 67
Precipitation, Avg. Annual Total: 33.7 inches

This means your well water (if you have any) should come out of the ground at around 65+ degrees. If your mean winter temperature is 47, then you would have to have someone smarter than me figure out the thermal budget for the following equation...

X amount of water @ 65 F. at Y rate would have Z effect on the number of gallons in your pond.

Then you would need to explore the various subspecies of peacock bass and see if any are more tolerant of cool water than others. Definitely though, the smaller the pond the better. In theory you could do a trial run next winter and figure out how low the temperatures go. If you established this system you could also cool the water in the summer. That's what I'm doing to keep yellow perch alive in my ponds. I am south of their ideal range, but they're doing fine. I've helped Rep. Tom Osborne with his pond in the past and he can keep Donaldson rainbow trout alive throughout the summer here in Lincoln without significant stress. His pond is about .1 acre. Mine is about .15 acre.

Comments anyone?

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.