From the old Johnny Carson Show :

Karnak -- a po-boy RAS , a hatchery order for
SMB fingerlings and 50 % protein
SMB feed.

question -- What will be under the xmas tree for

We actually stocked 250 2-3" SMB in the pond last fall, this was 2-3 months after thinnig the LMBs down and then the subsequent fish kill we had, combined those two events removed 20 LMB's per acre in the 12-17" range (mostley 13"ers), or around 200 LMB's in total. The question is, how many SMB's survived the guantlet of the remaining LMB's? Personally I would be happy if 10% survived but I have not seen any of the SMB to date. Even after the LMB thinning there was only a slight decrease in the LMB catch rate. Bruce's growout tank idea may be the best way I can get SMB's above predation size so they can get established. BTW - I think I am starting to have a little bit of Bruce envy after seeing his fish last night. \:D