Cecil, yes no electric bill and it keeps on flowing at least for the last 45 years since my grandfather had it drilled. At 15 gpm it is not as strong of a flow as we would like for the pond and are looking at more than doubling the flow hence we are looking at a second well.

What HP rating of pump do you use to get your 38 gpm flow rate? My cursory research into submersible well pumps shows that the ones used in our area for domestic water use, ie. 5-10 gpm are 1/3-1/2 HP units yet to get the higher flow rates of say 30+ gpm you are at 3-5 HP! I understand that there are many factors in this. BIG difference in electric bills between a 1/3 HP and a 5 HP.

We figure we could run it during the daytime in addition to our artesian well in May, June, July, august and September at 30-40 gpm and with our artesian well we would have a total of 45-55 gpm of 47 degree water entering the pond at the top layer to keep the surface water temperature cooler than what we have it now. This might be a reasonable compromise on pond performance and electric cost.

1/2 acre pond in West Branch, MI. Plan to stock in early 2025