Thanks for the replies.

I tried digging some of the muck out with the front end loader today. I started at the area with the least slope and dug down to the dry clay so I could drive on it. It was going well until I got some of the muck on the tires, then I had no traction. I have to use the bucket to push myself out of the pond whenever the tires get the muck on them. I was able to remove some of the muck with the backhoe and I am going to see if I can do the entire pond that way. I will have to double and triple handle some of the material to get it out, but if it works it will be worth it. I am going to try and spend 8 hours at it tomorrow and if I make enough progress. Of course I am only about 10' in from the edge now and I could run into trouble when I get to the deep areas, but I have to try before I can justify paying someone else to do it.

Joe, you are right about the dry season ending soon. The morning that I decided to drain the pond, I checked the 15 day forecast on accuweather and they only called for 1 day of rain for the next 15 days. By that evening, there were 4 days. As of now it looks like I'm safe until about the 10th.
