Claims on the website (Ken's):

1. can be stocked at 5000/acre.
2. livestock breeders work hard to prevent inbreeding, this causes stunting in fish.
3. known to make 33% gain in fall, winter and early spring.
4. selling hybrids since 1971.
5. GG grows 3x faster than others.

claim on this topic:

1.haven't had time for research.
2. "I am a scientist not a salesman"

34 years isn't enough time to do the research, eh. But it was plenty of time to make the bold assertions in claims 1,3, and 5. I guess those are just bs claims since there is no research behind it to show.
As for livestock. How do you think all of these different varieties of domestics are developed? As a matter of fact, inbreeding is used intensively in pure breds and breed development, and it does not necessarily lead to stunting. Are flemish giant rabbits, percheron stallions, and english mastiffs stunted? Crowding causes stunting, if you can produce proof that inbreeding always causes stunting, produce it!
As for 5000/acre, I can believe that. But only if in a monoculture fish farm scenario, as they are not sterile and would reproduce and stunt. they would need to be in a mixed population with predator species, which would then make the stocking rate far too high.

If you are scientist, act like one. Show some science. Even if you are, you would certainly agree that your company is without a doubt engaging in deceptive messaging in the form of its claims. They assertions use scientific and factual language, yet you admit that in 34 years there is no real research and there hasn't been time?

If your a scientist go back to school, if your a salesman admit it. I strongly encourage anyone to visit the Ken's site, and compare the claims to reality and your own admissions of this thread.

As for the fish upside the head, HIT ME WITH IT!!!!! It would be the closest thing to scientific evidence you have shown.