Just installed a split zone WaterFurnace last Fall, one 6 ton and one 4 ton for almost 5000 sq ft. Open loop saved me $9000 over closed loop option (earth bury). I can replace alot of pumps and filters for that, plus open loop is more efficient. Ruled out sinking exchangers into pond because there is a chance of supercooling. Heard all the arguments for and against. I chose not to gamble with my fish.

Geothermal was the best decision that I made while building this house, hands down. I'm total electric, it's one of those houses when you turn one light on... You've just turned on 20! Aerators 24/7, home theatre 10/7 (unfortunately), but I haven't seen a bill for over $200 yet. I take that back, when it was first installed they installed the dump line below the water surface and it froze. The heating bill on a month of emergency electric default was $1000! Quickly rectified.

Pond has been at full pool all Summer. I could go on but I am sure you get the picture. Good luck Chris4, Geo's the way to go!

2008, 2011 & 2012 conference attendee.
Striving to be the person that my dog already thinks I am.