Cecil. you are approaching your situation correctly for your "potential" since you can have a great increase in BOD in smaller,high capacity waters very very quickly.If and when a bloom starts to crash bottom diffusers will not do much good but your surface unit may just save the day.I would also check to see that you maintain at least 80% saturation a foot or two off of the bottom and if not lift your water more times per day as long as increased temps are not an issue.As far as the soaker hose or that type of membrane I have not been able to get anyone to supply the OTR's or lifting data. My opinion is that if a severe bloom starts to crash that no matter how many diffusers you have or how many times the water is being turned the "potential" to have the O2 supply striped by the demand exsists,in that case the surface aerator is a great option to have.In a small pond the diffuser will then act to redistribute the super saturated water to all depths.