I received the book that Cecil recommended, thank you very much Cecil, and I must say after going through it quickly it does seem a bit imposing.

The key elements are 1)a container, 2) insuring adequate DO, 3) filtration to remove ammonia, and 4)heating source.

I've thought of options to accomplish each one of these except the filtration system...then it occurred to me, and here comes a crazy idea, that there are things called "hot tubs" that provide some degree of each of those elements...and in fact I have a hot tub that is seldom used. In addition, I see them for sale (used and cheap) all the time from disenchanted folks who realize that hot tubs won't return them to their glorious days of their youth.

Is it possible that a hot tub could be used to successfully over winter a few pounds of Tilapia?

What do you think?