Just a quick follow up. I've been checking every day since I put the moistened dog food out in the 5 gal pail. All that's happened was I grew a whitish fuzz over all the dog food. No evidence of flies or egg clutches.

I just checked again tonight because I was thinking about scrapping the whole thing but when I looked very closely, there on the lid and along the inside side of the pail I could see tiny larvae. They are about the size of a grain of rice - gee, maybe not even that big - but I saw 5 or six of them squirming around. I have no idea if they are the larvae of some other creature or genuine BSF larvae.

I'm going to leave things be for a few more days to see what develops.

On another note, I called the BioPod folks today and had a nice chat with a lovely young lady. I've asked them to send me some information. Thanks everyone for your suggestions, Barbara