Gee, I'm afraid it's too late. I've already been exposed. (grin)

I think I caught "the bug" the day my worms arrived. Being introduced to the BSF has just made things worse - I think I am hooked.

Today I found a site from the local university's forensic science, forestry and agriculture department and a couple of the grad students there have been doing some studies with the BSF. One on "Waste conversion by black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, and impact of diet on developmental rates" and another on "Reproduction and development of Hermetia illucens at different temperatures". That last study might answer some of your questions. I've emailed the head of the department for more info so I'll let you know what she says should she respond.

This morning I put out a 5 gal pail with an apple core, couple of used tea bags and a couple of slices of roast beef (that should be thrown out). I put some crumpled paper next to the food, drilled four 1/4 inch holes a few inches under the lid and placed the pail outside. I'm not sure if that's going to be enough to attract some female BSFs. I have some really smelly tuna in the fridge. Do you think I should add that to the pail?

Thanks, Barb