Too hot to fish yesterday afternoon with air temp at 97 and near surface water temp at 81 degrees, so was on the pond at first light this morning with near surface water temp at 79 degrees.

Between aggravating health problems and equipment problems, I guess I missed out on spring fishing – looks like summer time is here. \:\(

Kept 8 fat female CNBG for the table and released several big males.
Caught numerous HSB between 2-3 lbs but had to O2 revive one 4 pounder and a larger one fought til she died. Such a battle deserves an honored place on the grill tomorrow – HSB on the half shell….!

That’s how my goal of a “put and take” fishery is defined, but I’ll restrict my fishing for the rest of the summer to ¼ acre pond where HSB are smaller and concentrate on removing smaller female TAF CNBG.

You northern guys have my attention on BG’s but HSB rules.
They will out-fight any fish in your pond.
What a blast on a Fly rod – FISH ON -

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)