So my bsf liquid byproduct as fertilizer experiment is coming along. The basil seeds and the yellow crookneck squash seeds I've planted have come up but I don't really see any difference in the plants fertilized with the bsf juice and those that haven't been.

Pretty much all the sprouts look the same size, color, etc. irregaurdless of wether I watered them only with water, 1:15 water:bsf liquid, or pure bsf liquid. I'm pretty dissappointed because if the bsf can't prduce a viable fertilizer and they reduce the amount of compost to 10% then they really don't leave much left over for my garden. My colony is producing a lot of larva for my fish but I was hoping to get some plant nutrients as well.

It does seem like the bsf liquid should have some nutrients in it. I'm wondering if perhaps the bsf liquid should be left to sit around for awhile before using it as a fertilizer. If there's enough biological action still going on in the water maybe it's like using green compost. I'm going to experiment further.. oh and I'm still letting the seeds grow and watering them with the different solutions. I'll keep you posted.