
We recently purchased a house on five acres in northwest Virginia which has a perfect structural location for a pond. It is already naturally sloped on both sides, and has a seasonal run-off down the middle from a wet-weather spring through the watershed. Plentiful water.

Today I received the soil survey for Frederick County (our county), and the exact location for the pond is designated as Weikert soil. My understanding is that this is primarily a fine particle shale loam (yellowish).

Is this type of soil unsuitable to build a pond in? Can it be compacted to retain water(I understand it has little plasticity)? Less than a mile up the road is a nice pond which the soil topography map lists the same as mine (Weikert).

Thanks in advance. If we can proceed (which would be immediately), I will definitely post pictures here.

Last edited by DCox; 07/11/08 01:59 PM.