Todd, I only wish I were eloquent enough to give you something you could use on your website, but I'm way too much of a greenhorn with pond management! What I will say on the Tilapia is this: I picked up some from you in late May/early June to add to a couple of small ponds. I had a .25 acre lake that was getting a pretty severe problem with filamentatious algae matting on the surface. I added 3-4lbs of Tilapia and have seen a steady decline in it's presence. I would guess that easily 90% has been eliminated. Coincidence? I have no idea, but something surely changed for the better after the Tilapia addition. I will be seeing you again next year!!
As far as fish growth, I can't really speak to this. This 3 yr old lake has been hybrid bream only til this year. I added 25 4-6" LMB in March. These are the only LMB ever put in this lake. My son caught a 11.5" LMB that was as fat a butterball a week ago...needless to say I am pleased!

It ain't much of story if you don't have pictures!