My pond is 1.25 AC. I stocked 100+ bluegill caught from two other private ponds last spring. They have spawned, - as I can set a minnow trap and catch bluegill much, much smaller than anything I stocked. I'm also catching them on small flies, - smaller than what I stocked. Same holds true for golden shiners. I caught 20 or so shiners when fishing for bluegill last spring, and tossed them in my pond. They spawned and I can see lots of little shiners hitting the pellets when I feed. I have a gazillion gambusia and a fair share of fathead minnows too.... plus lots of frogs.

I would be interested in whatever I can get from you, - whenever I can get it!

You wouldn't happen to have a source for yellow perch would you???


Last edited by Pot Luck Pond; 05/10/08 01:59 PM.