Over the past month or so I've put in a total of 1200 lbs. Wow know that I just typed that I cant believe how much has gone in and and I cant believe I didnt have one fish die. Actually I take that back. I did have a minnow bucket with two little bluegills in it that my son caught and one of them died. But the bucket was about two feet from where I dumped 200 lbs of alum. This last time I added it it was about 7:30 P.M. right before it got dark and when I took my flashlight down there about an hour later it was unlike any other time that I added it because of how thick it was on top. Usaully you can see the floc floating but this time it was in big gobs. It was pretty nasty looking and I thought for sure I added to much but it turned out well. So now that I'm finally getting the water under control I'm starting to build structure to put in using pallets.

Last edited by cimdma; 04/24/08 10:18 PM.