No not the eating I have noticed alot of small fry fish around the banks sunning. Would these be from this year or last year? I am almost certain they are BG fry but it's hard to tell when they are that tiny.

I first noticed the fry about 2 weeks ago and they where tiny, maybe 1/4-1/2 inch in size. I haven't checked the water temp but we have only had a few days over 70 and they havn't been close enough to get the water temps, IMHO, up to spawning temps. If had I had to guess it's probally in the low 60's not any hgher that 65. These fry fish look like this year's, but I am thinking maybe they mad it though the winter. I also saw a LMB about 3-4 inches. Would this be from last years spawn? What to 'yall think?


1 Acre pond in Central KY