Broncofan, Big Pond is right. You have to design the whole thing for yourself. And, the good part is that it is winter and still deer season in wherethehellever Taylor, Texas is. It is a great time to decide on your goals which can be influenced by a lot of factors. It is a real lousy time to sit back and do nothing. I expect that all of your current and future questions have been answered multiple times on this site. Do some research here and on other spots on the internet. One weekend ought to get you a long way down the road. Most states have University and other Research areas that post on a wide variety of pond findings. They usually go from stupid level up to who cares. No matter which way you go, you will probably be disappointed without a solid plan. I believe that you posted in another area that you wanted SMB. You might be just the guy who can do it. But not without a lot of work and research.

Actually, trying something different and exotic like SMB is exciting and challenging. However, it is also like having a trophy wife. It's always extremely expensive, is guaranteed to keep you awake nights and sooner or later will force you to make a fresh start with a different game plan.

If you want to do it right, subscribe to the mag, buy Raising Trophy Bass from Lusk, do the research, read everything Bill Cody says about 3 times (it takes 3 times but is absolutely worth it) and then get ready to set and follow through on goals.

Have fun and keep your checkbook handy.