I began this thread Sept. 25, 2004 , to share my one year experiment with stocking and growing HSB in our N.E. Texas 2 acre pond.

At the close of the first year, I estimated that I had less than 20% survival rate of HSB due to LMB predation, and considered this program to be a failure.

I proceeded to determine a supplemental re-stocking plan, utilizing the knowledge and broad experience of PB forum members. I have received numerous responses and am highly appreciative of all the help I have received.

Bruce Condello and Todd Overton have made valuable technical contributions by responses on PB and personal email correspondence. Thanks guys.

I share Norm Kopecky, Meadowlark and others with diversified fishery objectives – not necessarily a trophy lake but with healthy, fishable population of HSB, LMB, and large BG’s, and I thank them for their help.

My conclusion derived from my first year experience is that supplemental stocking of “small” HSB in a pond with mature LMB is not feasible, and that it will be necessary to locate large stockers or “grow” them out in a separate pond.

I have not been able to locate large enough HSB stockers to escape LMB predation, based on Bruce Condello and Todd Overton’s studies, so this option was not available.

Fortunately we have a 10 month old ¼ acre pond that we planned to use as a “forage” pond, that is now a “grow out” HSB pond.

Last week we stocked 150, 4-6 HSB’s in the “grow out” pond.

At the time of transfer the air temperature was 55 degrees, water temp 54, and the water in the container was 56 degrees. On the advice of our supplier we put a bucket of pond water in the container for 15 minutes to stabilize temperatures.

All fish were frisky and apparently made the 3 hour trip from the supplier in excellent condition.

Bruce Condello advised that 4-6 HSB would weigh 20/lb and should be fed .225 lb high protein fish food daily. Separately Todd Overton had advised that 4-6 HSB would weigh 20/lb and should be fed .250 lb high protein fish food daily.
I knew I was on safe ground

The feeding plan is to increase feed as water warms, and feed aggressively until the stockers reach 10 – 12 inch transfer size to 2 acre pond before hot summer temps arrive. I may leave a few in the “grow out” pond to see if they will survive the hot Texas summer.

The grow out plan is strongly endorsed by both Todd and Bruce, based on their previous success and experience.

For others not so fortunate to have a small virgin pond, perhaps the increasing popularity of HSB will provide economic incentives for suppliers to grow and provide large enough HSB stockers to escape LMB predation in mature ponds and lakes.

Excuse this long post, but perhaps it will help others to achieve positive HSB programs.
George Glazener

N.E. Texas 1/4 acre - 2 acre ponds