The most idiotic thing I ever did was at 17 when youngsters drinking and minding their own business was still Ok, I thought it would be cool to waste my old dirt bike. Being a young redneck I hopped on the old 350cc yamaha and shouted those words Foxworthy made famous, "Yall ain't gonna believe this $hit"! I then proceded to redline the engine in 5th gear at a top speed of 70mph as I shot down a public boat ramp into the Lamine river in central Missouri. I thank God that I had decided to add extra flair to the stunt by standing on the seat for a classy entrance into the water, because the front foks on that bike folded up like noodles and I skipped like a rock for a good 100 yards out into that river before sinking. (Like a rock). The original plan was to hydroplane as far as I could, on the bike, not my butt!

Even though I was at that time a lifeguard and a competition platform diver, I had NO IDEA water was so frikin' hard when hit at that speed. It all worked out pretty good though, one girl thought it was cool and I lost my drunken innocence that night.