Here is an interesting post from another forum that I am active, from an acquantance of mine who is a renowned physicst - AND avid fisherman.

PM me if you want me to cite his credentials.

climate Change ?

[Bulletin Board]


Posted by GES on 2008-02-26 15:40:49

I know that a number of people who read here are deeply concerned about climate change since it has the potential to do harm to the habitat and fisheries that we like to see stay healthy.
Recently there had been conflicting reports as to whether 1998 had been the hottest year on record and whether the ten hottest years had been since then or something like that, as variously reported.

There are at least four major Scientific reporting groups who monitor and report on global temperature data.

These are NASA's GISS, UAH (univ Alabama Huntsville), RSS (?) and the Hadley center in UK.

All four of these major sources have now released new findings; which have been collated by Meteorologist Anthony Watts.

The new data show that over the last 12 months (Jan 07-Jan08) the mean global temperature has dropped by from 0.65 to 0.75 deg C, the single fastest temperature change EVER recorded, and enough of a drop to wipe out nearly all of the global warming that has occurred in the past 100 years.

Recent news stories have been filled with anecdotal stories of unusual cold or snow or cooling all over the world, including the fact that the Arctic ice is now back to its normal level and recovered faster than anyone believed possible so that arctic sea ice is now about 20cm thicker than it was last year.

But this new release from official sources is the first reviewed science reports of a major cooling.

Of course atmospheric CO2 including that from human sources continues to rise, but world temperatures are no longer going up with the CO2 levels.

Who knows what this will mean for habitat recovery and reduction in world diseases in the tropics; but evidently, world flooding has been cancelled for the time being.

Check this if this interests you. You could e-mail me above since this is only of peripheral interest to our main fishing interests.


N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)