Our dog is 'fixed' thank goodness. Well, we have been seeing the coyote daily now about 8:30 a.m. in the field by the pond (he probably has been going to the pond to drink). We watched him yesteday as he was catching/killing/eating either mice or moles. Don't laugh, I got my BB gun out just to see if he would run...the noise made him go a little ways and when I went outside he did move farther, watch me, as I approached, moved farther and finally ran off. My dog was watching him also (but his boundry line (underground fence) won't allow him by the pond (scared he would fall in ice, so we limit him in winter). Living on a farm is great buy sure leaves a lot of hiding spaces for these nuisances, when in season we do have someone who hunts traps them. I've been here 10 years and had never seen one, less than see on in daylight--must be more or they are just getting unafraid of people as the population increases in the country here.