whats up archer? see what you started....he he he

GW, you pert near made me weep too..nice discussions, ewest, JHAP, and bob...very fun and informative reading here.

why dont we move this stuff over to a dedicated GSF managment thread under "types of fish to choose"? and we can keep arguing......i mean discussing this over there.

orig. posted by GW....."I think it's a shame that people like Bruce and Cecil and others aren't tempted to explore the potential of a fish that has so many good attributes. Instead the only supporters of GSF end up being the nutcases of the forum..."

i'd venture that bruce and cecil are pretty smart business folk. based on the GSF prejudice you highlight above GW, who would buy GSF? everybody would love CSBG in their ponds, but nobody has PM'd me to sell any DSGSF, which is just as well cause their not fer sale \:D

GSF are people too!