Gave the shrimp another try, also brought out a few big night crawlers. Nothing doing on the shrimp but the night crawlers got some action. Not the big cats I was after but I got two 14 inch cats. I thought for about a second about letting them go then I came to my senses and removed both. Looks like I have to go on a catfish removel mission.

Here is a very interesting bit of info. I use 4 inch power worms fishing for bass. I did break a few off last week. Cleaned both these fish both had power worms in there guts, they were past the stomoch. Not sure if they were the one giving me the bite or they picked up and ate the worm after the fact. I am curious if a bercly power worm or a piece of it would work on a trot line. hummm

I am thinking of making a trot line. Can anyone give me the "how to"... please
