This is a duplicate post which may be a problem, but I just noticed the HELP section. And I think I do need HELP!

New pond is just south of Bonham, TX. So we went from a foot of water last week to being nearly full. We had some lingering rains a few days ago, and when I went out to look at the pond at that time, I noticed small, light streams of seepage from the base of the back side of the damn, all around the deeper sections of the pond. The pictures in the link are from today. Is this normal?

I called my dirt guy and he said not to panic just yet. He suggested I spread about 800 pounds of cattle salt in the pond to affect the clay and seal it up. Is this worth doing and how might it change my water quality with the thought of stocking next week, Thursday.

What course of action is recommended. I have decided to hold off on stocking any fish.

Someone is likely to ask if we used a roller to compact the clays. We did not. There was a small key trench done at the base of the damn, according to my dirt guy.
