Well, the season is winding down....wasn't a very good one....fish wouldn't cooperate.

I am going to dig out my pond I hope. Does anyone know of any pond-masters in my area of Colorado near Colorado Springs. My pond is very shallow and I think may be part of my problem which is finicky fish. I cannot get them to bite \very consistently....I also have very poor visibility due to what looks like suspended particles of dirt/mud. Pond is almost always murky and will not clear up. I would like it to be more clear because it looks nicer to the public plus I think it would be better for the fish. This pond probalby has never been taken care of properly.....dug out a little hear and a little there by previo8us owners...but probably never done right.

I don't want to make any more mistakes.....anyone?

Tony Neumann
Fishing in Cascade

My Pond