Pond Boss
Humic Acid is the commercial term often used to refer to the combined humic and fulvic acid content found in naturally occurring decomposed plant and animal residues. The most bio-chemically active humic acid is derived from Leonardite coal, which consists of humified animal and plant substances dating back thousands of years.
Humic acid is effective at improving the quality of all types of soils, especially clay and sandy soils and organically deficient soils. The introduction of humic acid to clay or other compacted soils, results in the break-up of these soils allowing for greater water and root penetration. In sandy soils, humic acid adds vital organic material back into the soil, which allows for improved water retention and deeper root development, both of which are lacking on sandy soils.
Smith, welcome. Is this Humic Acid sold by it self or is it part of a combinded mix? Interesting stuff, sounds like something i could use around my pond.
Thanks for the link Bodock. I used the search link with "humic acid" and nothing came up. Should i be looking for information on humic acid under another name?
The active ingredients in all their products includes humic acid. Their basic soil conditioner product is called Carbon Boost. I have used it with good results on grapes, tomatoes and a few flowers. It seems to work best on clay soils or sandy soils (poor soils) and not make a huge difference in very good soils (i.e. Iowa).
Ok, Im awake now thanks Bodock. I was literally on night shift when i sent the other post. Did it show smile.
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