Pond Boss
Hi I'm new here. I from Louisiana
First let me say that I have always wanted my own body of water. I feel very fortunate that this has happened for me.

I'm not exactly sure how big it is , but I would say over an acre at this point of construction and its about half complete.
It's also deep. Probably 14-16 feet in some places.
I'll be putting a 4 inch deep well down, along with a 3 horsepower submersible pump. I realize this isnt that big of a pond, but when I look out the back window, it looks like the grand canyon back there. Seriously looks a lot larger in person.

We made a fairly large spawning bed in it Friday, so I need to update the pics.

Mostly I just wanted water on my place to bring in wild game and Ducks, geese and whatnot and also wanted a view.I got tired of looking back there at BLAH, so we started this project about 6 months ago. It's gone quicker than I thought it would actually.

So now, quite naturally, Im very interested in proper management and the possibility of having trophy fish.
I hope you guys won;t mind answering a few questions now and then as I continue this project.

This is the back side.

Looks like a cool project! Fish and wildlife paradise.

One thing I notice is the pond banks are very steep, which may be a safety issue. Another is that I can see subsoil layers, are you concerned about leakage through these? I am not a soils expert, and it is near impossible to tell from pictures, but I would think those layers would indicate that a good water seal is unlikely on those sides (sand between layers and so on). If you have clay available, I would reduce the slope of the sides while working a homogeneous clay layer over the sides. Others can give recommendations how to do that.

That is just what I see, though there are experts here that make me look like a gerbil.

Sorry I am no help with stocking plans that far south.
It's filled up a couple times already and we had to pump it off.
It holds water pretty darn well. It had just been pumped down a couple days before the photos. I suppose anything could be better though.

I'll have a 4 inch well keeping the levels up, so i really don't know how bad leakage will be. There's certain to be some leakage in any pond, I would imagine.
Here is my 2 cents. Your pond looks great and I am from E TX so if you are central to northern 1/2 LA, we have about the same fish type growth cycles,seasonal timing etc. We do not have the same type dirt/soil.
I just had a well dug and my pond is about 17ft. deep in spots and averages about 7ft. My well is 4" as well but has a 3/4 HP 10GPM pump that pumps open ended 15GPM,into the pond. Your well should do very well on the filling end if your aquifer will support the flow rate.
IMHO, because there are many with much more knowledge than I,a novice,I would say you bed(s) looks as though it is level? Different fish spawn at differing depths to some degree. So a bed or beds at differing levels could make for a more successful spawn if you have a select species you are looking to promote in your pond. The pros here will want to know your goals, ie trophy CNBG, CC,LMB,etc., instead of "trophy fish"? I think you understand why which species you prefer, needs to be noted.
I noticed your tress are(looks like from pics)all around you pond, and if your bed(s) are on the west to SW side of the pond you might get an earlier spawn(slightly)and possibly an extra CNBG(if you are going to stock these)spawn with the extra sun time on the bed(s).IMHO
The one good thing about the steep sides are less shallow water to grow algae and weeds.
I live again in EAST TX. and lime is often needed for our iron ore and clay ponds. Yours is a much richer land and would I say if water fills the pond again about 1/3 to 1/2,before you pump it out again, take a water sample and test it or have it tested for alkalinity and PH, at the least. Your county/parish extension agent could help on that end too.
If you tell the pro's more details like is there running(creek/farm runoff) water into the pond,types of preferred fish,if you are going to aerate, feeder, and a pond manager(or you doing proper mgt.)you will get some additional feedback.
I am blessed as well to have what I have in a pond and my whole life overall. Good luck and read a lot,go to the archives and read, read, read. The Perfect Pond,want one, by BOB LUSK has been suggested by many here.
Good luck and enjoy,and the well was a great investment. I waited two years plus(frustrating)on rain filling and no such luck.In 1.5 months. my pond is within 19" of pool. Happy, Happy, Happy!
Please keep us up to date and welcome to a great site to learn about ponds and everything that goes with it.
P.S. I have a good friend that lives in Ethel FYI that would probably be glad to talk pond with you. He has a 1+ acre pond and has plans on doubling it soon. He is soon to be a Pond Bosser,after I shared a PB mag or two with him.
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