Pond Boss
Posted By: Stacy4Stubby FishItch - 04/02/12 12:50 PM

The guys over at FishItch wrote the funniest thing! I thought you guys could appreciate it smile
They're a bunch of really nice folks!

"Ring their dinner bell!

From the day I was weaned off the teat, I was raised on my momma's meatloaf. To this day, ya put a slab of meatloaf in front of me, and woo, son! My mouth’s waterin’ and m’ tummy’s growlin’. Same is true fer the fish we pursue, and fer a lot of ‘em, their “meatloaf” is commercial fish feed. Yep. If you’re chasin’ a spring trout stockin’ or fishin’ fer hatchery-raised catfish, them fish knows a pellet when they sees it, and what they sees is din-din. Better yet, just like our guests always loved momma’s meatloaf even if they never had it before, wild fish gobble up fish food pellets too. Truth is, most of the fish caught on Stubby Steve’s are wild--they never saw a pellet in their lives, but they loves this stuff. So why not just use feed pellets fer bait? Simple. You can’t skewer 'em on a hook--but you sure as heckfire can Stubby Steve’s. Stick it on a lure to add scent or fish it on its own. If you fish a lake or pond with a feeder, this’ll outfish anything else you could put on yer hook. If you poke it onto a jig, all kinds of fish’ll be on it like folks on momma’s meatloaf at a potluck!

Posted By: Omaha Re: FishItch - 04/02/12 12:55 PM
That is too cool Stacy. I have taken advantage of many deals off FishItch now. If you don't jump on them right away they're gone before you know it. These will sell fast!
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