Pond Boss
Posted By: Keith Wolfe young bass - 07/29/07 06:45 PM
I was wondering if you guys have ever seen this. On one side of my biggest aquarium bass his gills are very flared out and big and the other side is normal. Here are two videos. I think you'll be able to see the different sides. He has grown the fastest by far and is now about 3.5 inch and chunky. Also, the ones in the aquarium seem to be short and fat compared to the wild ones longer and skinnier, atleast the same sized ones. Is this cuz he's in a small 30 gallon so he's growing to his container? Here are the vids:

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: young bass - 07/29/07 06:52 PM

I think it's probably an injury at some point that caused his gill to heal that way. I did have some brook trout that had gill covers permanently fused open but that is probably different. That was due to gill infections due to to much silt in the water (excavator came later in the year and I was never able to grow sufficient vegatation to keep erosion down).

As far as the ones in the aquarium shorter and fatter it's most like due to excess feeding or what you are feeding them.
Posted By: Keith Wolfe Re: young bass - 07/29/07 07:02 PM
those freeze dried mysis shrimp. But some of his brothers and sisters in the pond are bigger, up to 6 inches. I just thought since he was the head of his class in the aquarium he had a pretty good natural growth rate but I guess they grow the fastest in a pond with all the great food availabe. Maybe he's a midget but then his tank mates are dwarfs. As far as the injury, It actually kinda seems like a deformity. He seems to labor more on that side and it does stick out but under the round gill flap the part that is much bigger than the other side is that part with the horrizontal lines/ridges under the gill that kinda radiate out from the front, just under the gill. Does that make sense? Gotta run but maybe i can get a better still pic a little later.
Posted By: Keith Wolfe Re: young bass - 08/03/07 10:56 PM

Posted By: ewest Re: young bass - 08/04/07 02:20 AM
Kieth were those small goldfish being eaten ? neat video.
Posted By: Keith Wolfe Re: young bass - 08/04/07 03:33 AM
Those are very small rosie fatheads from persmart. I got 50 for $6.50 and the guy was pretty generous. Right now the feeding has slowed and they have balled up into a tight school.
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