Pond Boss
Posted By: billmarsh dam leak - 10/26/09 08:30 PM
So, when the rain stopped for a day here in North Texas, I walked around the pond to see what had changed. I find that I have a leak about two thirds up the dam. There is a hole, where an old willow had grown, with water driping out. The dam is about 30 to 40 years old and has more black willow trees growing on the back. I know that they are not suposed to be there. How do I go about plugging this leak, or must I rebuild the dam? And if I don't have to rebuild how do I take the other trees out without creating more leaks?

Bill Marsh
Posted By: esshup Re: dam leak - 10/26/09 08:55 PM

I'll let the people with more dirt expertise than I have chime in on how to fix it, but as for the ones that are currently growing, here's the general rule of thumb:

Trees with a trunk less than 4" diameter get rid of them (kill them)in such a way that they won't grow back.

Trees with a trunk more than 4" diameter, Pray feverently that they stay alive forever. If they die, the chances of the roots rotting away and causing problems with the dam are good, which unfortunately you are finding out.
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